We are rebuilding ourselves in an exciting new image. In the meantime, check out my work on Upwork and cruise back over here to reach out.

Local restaurant mogul and performing musician teamed up to bring something to Bend the likes of which hadn’t been seen-- a British pub. This particular watering hole aspired to become a lightning rod for musical performances, food & drink from the Commonwealth nations and a gathering place for li

My client was witnessing massive growth while still packaging under their original design system. I collaborated with their brand team to prioritize their most significant brand identifiers, as well as increase identification and allow for new sub-flavor product lines. The changes were successfully

There are distinct advantages to being a draft-only brand. When COVID-19 quarantine protocols took those opportunities away, I was called in to lead a storied brand to the retail shelves. This meant a packaging design system and support materials would all have to be developed from the ground up. Af

The brand management team identified an opportunity to acquire a larger share of the IPA market. I was called in to lead the art direction and production design of the project to completion from packaging, point-of-sale, and key visuals. While meeting objectives outlined to me by management, I was a