Art Direction

Leading creative on a team

Sometimes you have to look outside of your own organization in order to accomplish an amazing outcome. Or the projects become so large they require a large team. I have led many stakeholders and collaborators to success.


Sourcing Talent, Communication, Coordination, Leadership, File Handling

Squeezy Rider West Coast IPA

When we needed new key art for our line of products, at first the answer was unclear. I provided art direction by researching, brainstorming, and ideating on the concept until we found a direction we all agreed upon.

Tropical Fresh IPA

Product lines with successful stories do one thing right, and that is provide consistent and cohesive key art. This products story was expressed by our partner artist and applied for production by us.

Hazetron Double Hazy IPA

Don't be afraid to take things in a direction they have never gone before. We did that with this product's branding by hitting 88 in the DeLorean. Our outcome was something loosely based on the brand line, while still taking awesome risks and coming out on top.

Incredible Pulp

Intellectual property liability is a serious reality in the packaged goods space. What starts off as a naive take on a popular culture, may end up with cease and desist. We guided a liability away from legal attention by redoing the art, and adding a way in for a new audience, too.

Enzymatic IPA

Heavy metal branding took over this pack for an exciting outcome. Brands can sometimes be founded on the group of artists they work with and this brand is one of those. Sourcing talent that suited the brewery persona was cruical for this project.

Crooked Pilsner

We took the logo of our partner brand and integrated it into our creative packaging template. Coordination between both groups and lots of collaboration created this awesome offering.

'Best of' Issue

Planning and coordinating a massive round-up issue is quite a feat. From pages of listings, to on-site photo shoots and coordinating all of the editorial. This was a job for the whole team and my direction lead us to a succesful resolution.

B a c k T o T o p B a c k T o T o p